Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Main Task Planning - Problems associated with filming a thriller film

Happy Halloween!

Today I'm going to research the problems associated with filming a thriller film !
I have decided to see what could go wrong with the selected genre I picked and now I will see the resolutions to these problems and how to maintiain a thriller ambience in the film. If I don't maintain the thriller feel, my audience will begin to loose interest in the opening and turn it off.

The plot twist was expected and not a surprise
I will use a twist in a different way compared to other thriller film's, there will not an obvious give away throughout the film which will give away what will happen. I want the audience to speculate a completely different ending to what I give through the film, possibly with a cliff hanger and no resolution. If I make sure that a completely different ending is being portrayed throughout the film and then a dramatic twist which still relates at the end. I could also possibly have two twists one in the opening and then another one with the 'hero' of the film trying to clear his name.

The Music and sounds will be clearly effects and not match the realistic touch I want
I will make sure that sound effects for example 'someone screaming' will be portrayed from a real person and preferably the same actor so the voice matches throughout. The effects will not sound placed in deliberately but sound fluent throughout the film. This leads on to the effects sounding corny and cheesy as they are not suited for that genre and make it sound terrible. I will use research from other good thrillers which have had special effect sounds added and sound realistic and true to life.

The genre I want the film to be 'thriller' is not portrayed and the audience think its a different genre
I will make sure that my film follows all general thriller conventions, which are associated with a thriller film, I will make sure that the film is filmed with a dark atmosphere and not with happy music unless suited to the scene. I will also use the close up angle for most of the filming as it portrays the typical thriller with the characters feeling scared then the audience do too. There will also be a variety of quick cuts throughout the film, with dark shadows along with mirrors and a lot of mind play with the characters. I will also blog about the general conventions of a thriller film.

Thanks for reading :)

Made by Jack

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